2005-03-09 13:43:28 UTC
I'm Dr.Timothy Wittneben, most refer to me as [Dr.Witt] being my last
name is difficult to pronounce. I have a Ph.D. in Physics, with Advanced
Mathematics. Artificial Intelligence, Database Management and Statistical
Analysis being my fields of expertise.
In 1994 I left Wall Street to apply my Dynamical Systems of Artificial
Intelligence to sporting events. These are basically the same programs I
wrote and used as a Market Forecaster to project a Stock's activity. The
programs I've written filter statistical data based on Measures of Central
Tendencies and project final scores for NFL, NBA, NHL, NCAA and MLB games.
Once I determine the projected final score of a game, I then pull up in
my database all previous match-ups that fit within a standard deviation of
the following days games. Then I query that sub-population to determine
those games that have a 90% or better probability of winning [against the
pointspread]. I have amassed a phenomenal database of statistics and
results which goes back to 1941. There is no Human Element involved, no
handicapping, no opinions, it's strictly mathematics. Unfortunately my
program only produces between 4-5 games per week on average.
Over the past 5 years my programs have produced a record of 555 Wins vs.
224 Losses for a winning percentage of 71.24%. You don't need a Ph.D. in
Calculus to realize how much money you can make when you're winning 7 out of
There is no deposit required to get started with my program, and for
those skeptics I offer and opportunity to sit on the sidelines and watch,
while I show you first how successful my program is. Once you decide to get
onboard you'll open your own sportsbook account and manage your own money.
I charge a 15% commission of your net winnings only, which is payable at the
End of the Sports Season.
If you're not mathematically inclined to appreciate what I'm doing, or
you're currently betting on sports, I'm not interested in having you as a
client. My program projects approx. 4-5 games per week, and requires the
patience to wait for those games to come along with a 90% probability of
winning. We don't bet everyday, but we do go to the bank every week. I'm
in this for the money, and I seek those who are as well.
I invite you to visit my website to get a better understanding of
exactly how my Projection Algorithms determine final Scores and
Probabilities. Type in ProbabilityFactor.com in your browser to visit my
Unfortunately, through the years I've had to let several clients go for
a variety of reason. Either they failed to pay my commission on time, or
the were Compulsive Gamblers who lost my commission monies by betting on
their own games. Whether it's their attempt to blackmail me into bringing
them back onboard, their bigotry because I'm a successful Jew, or their
simple ignorance, I've come across several former clients who use the
internet to make derogatory statements about me. Considering I don't
require payment of my commission til the end of the year, how I've screwed
them is beyond me. The following addresses each of their claims.
1. Mr. Leo in Harwood Heights, Ohio: I get paid from Basketball and Hockey
by June 15th. It's all over my website; it's been that way since 1997. If
you haven't paid me for Basketball & Hockey by June 15th I cut you off,
simple as that. You get no Baseball games. By June 15th of 2003 Mr. Leo
(who started with me in Dec. 2002) had not paid me the $6,100.00 commission
I had coming, so I cut him off. In a four month period, with bets of
$1,000.00 each, I netted the man over $40,000.00. On June 24th of 2003 Mr.
Leo faxes me the bank wire receipt showing payment of my commission money.
I accepted his excuse for why he was late and immediately started sending
him games again. A week later this Bank Wire still hadn't shown up in my
account. I brought the fax that I received from him to the bank, and the
Manager does a Bank Wire Pipeline Search, only to find there is no record
anywhere of this Transfer in the system. My Bank Manager calls Mr. Leo's
Bank "The International Bank of Chicago" and speaks with "Laura" [the
Manager of Mr. Leo's branch, which is located at Harlem Ave & N.W. Highway].
My Banker is told the document is a counterfeit.
(this fraudulent document is available for viewing on my website) Mr. Leo,
[who is not responding to my E-mails or returning my calls] 5 days later
sends me a legitimate bank wire for $6,100.00 which I did receive. He then
calls me to say his bank [somehow] never processed his original bank wire.
Problem is, "Laura" who allegedly signed this document, has already told us
he's "Full of Shit." Understand, in the week after Mr. Leo faxes the
fraudulent document, we win 5 games in a row including a Parlay. This is
obviously where Mr. Leo was able to acquire the money to legitimately send
the 2nd transfer. By this time, I don't care ! Lie to me once and we're
through. I stopped sending him my games and cut Mr. Leo off permanently.
Mr. Leo calls me, and when I confront him with the truth, he tells me he
never would have sent the $6,100.00 if he knew I was going to cut him off
permanently. My response was "FUCK-YOU!" He now claims I stole his
$6,100.00 in postings on the Internet. I can't stop him from spewing this
bullshit, but what I can do is expose the document, which has his bank
account number and the phone number of his bank. If you doubt I'm telling
the truth, call his bank, request to speak with the Branch Manager "Laura"
and ask for yourself. In addition to confirming everything I've stated,
Laura will also tell you Mr. Leo deposited a fraudulent check he made up
with my Bank Account number on it for $10,000.00 in an attempt to steal
money from me.
2. Dan in Orlando, Florida: Good ole Doctor Dan, who tells me he is betting
$2,000.00 per game, has another Sportsbook account set up in his wife's name
and is moving $10,000.00 per game behind my back. Dan, who I spoke with on
a regular basis, tells me one day his total for a Baseball game is 8.5 runs.
Now I'm using the same offshore Sportsbook he's using, and when I placed my
bet, the line was 8 runs. So I call, and I'm told the line was 8 runs for
the entire day and NEVER reached 8.5 runs. This now has me thinking, where
did he come up with 8.5 runs. I go online and pull up every Sportsbook that
had the game at 8.5 runs. I then call every Sportsbook until I finally come
to "Worlds Sports Book" who tells me "We don't have an Account for Dan, but
we do have an account for his wife." The account had 5 games bet at
$10,000.00 each, with all 5 games winning. He had made $50,000.00 behind my
back in an attempt to avoid paying me my 15% commission. You couldn't
imagine how upset this made me. I then casually told him I was in the
process of switching to a new stat service that would provide me with better
sports statistics. Only problem was, they wanted to get paid for a year's
service in advance and that I needed to come up with big bucks. I asked to
him to send me $7,500.00 to help offset this huge expenditure and that I
would credit him the $7,500.00 when my commission was due. He agreed and
sent me $7,500.00 which was exactly 15% of the $50,000.00 he had made behind
my back. Two hours later when the $7,500.00 showed up in my account, I
called "Worlds Sports Book" and was connected to the Director of Operations.
I then made a three-way call to Dan and confronted him about his wife's
account with the Director of Operations listening in. When Dan denied there
was an account in his wife's name the Director of Operations spoke up. Dan
was busted. I immediately cut him off permanently and he wanted the
$7,500.00 back. It was a legitimate 15% of the $50,000.00 and I told him to
GO FUCK HIMSELF. What really hurt was that I liked the man, but business is
business. You're welcome to call the "Worlds Sports Book" to confirm. They
will tell you verbatim, exactly what I said.
3. Jonas in Australia. Jonas opened a Sportsbook account with "William
Hill" Sportsbook in England. He deposited $25,000.00 and was to start with
bets of $5,000.00 per game. I sent Jonas 5 games, of which 4 won. Only
problem, Jonas claimed he never received my E-mails for 3 of the games. All
3 of those games were winners. He claimed he made 2 bets, (1) win, (1)
loss. I can understand missing a game here and there, but 3 of your first
5? Something wasn't right. Jonas knew by opening with "William Hill" there
would be no way I would be able to confirm whether he truly did miss 3 bets
because I had no connections with anyone there. We had actually spoken
about that during his trial period, when I was sending him games to observe,
but I thought nothing of it. He sounded like a decent man. After 3 misses
in 5 games the radar went up. I then called "William Hill", claiming I was
the owner of a Sportsbook and I had heard Jonas was now using his service.
I told them Jonas had stiffed me by canceling a credit card transaction he
deposited in my Sportsbook, and that they should be aware of him. This
seemed to put their mind at ease in reference to my credibility and they
looked up his account to see how he funded it. They told me they were OK,
that he used Net Teller to fund his account and that his account was in
good-standing with a current amount $39,500.00. Here's the problem: if he
missed 3 games, and the (2) he claimed to bet resulted in (1) win and (1)
loss, he should be right where he started at $25,000.00, minus the juice
from the (1) loss. I then called Jonas to confirm that the spreadsheet I
was running on my end was indeed correct. I asked him to confirm what his
initial deposit was and to confirm what his current balance was at "William
Hill." He claimed AGAIN his initial deposit was $25,000.00 and that his
current balance was $24,500.00 ($15,000.00 less than it really was!) - I
knew he was Full of Shit. I then gave him the same story I gave Dan about
switching stat services and could he help me out to the tune of $2,200.00
which is 15% of the $14,500 he had truly made. He agreed and sent me a Bank
Wire for $2,200.00. Instead of cutting him off at that time, which I
probably should have done, I then sent him the opposite side of the next 5
games my program projected. While we were winning 4 of the next 5, he was
losing 4 of the next 5. Should I have done that ? Probably Not, but I did,
because I was pissed. You're welcome to confirm this information at William
Hill. They are a respected Sportsbook who trades on the London Exchange.
They will confirm everything I've stated.
Here's a footnote on Jonas. He now says that I watch the opening minutes of
games I send to future clients and determine who is going to win. There are
two problems to this. If I could tell you, based on the first minute of a
game what direction the game was going in, then why wouldn't I have my
clients betting on the 2nd half of the games? Think about it. every
Sportsbook in the world offers lines on both the first half and the second
half, as well as the entire game. I could simply set up my program to where
we bet on the 2nd half only. All my clients have cell phones with text
messaging and are prepared to place a bet on a minute's notice. I could
wait until halftime, deduct the first half score from the original betting
line, and we would win every game. My clients don't give a shit what we bet
on, as long as they win! In addition, I try to include in my E-mails at
least a couple of my betting tickets showing that I'm betting these games as
well. Wouldn't it be great if the Casinos here in Vegas let me bet the
games after they started? If they did, I can assure you I wouldn't be
losing 30% of my games! Good try, Jonas.
4. Gary from Vancouver. Gary works in a Casino in Vancouver. I was
skeptical about bringing him onboard to start with. Prior to getting
onboard with me he had several accounts with different offshore Sportbooks.
I verified Gary was a huge gambler and the game plan was for Gary to start
off with bets of $10,000.00 per game. Gary's first 3 games were June 15th,
16th, & 17th of 2002. We won all three games and Gary was up $30,000.00.
If you've spoken with me or visited my website you are fully aware we do not
bet everyday. That's how we make money. We wait for games that my
Algorithms project have probabilities of better than 90%. Over the next 9
days there were no games. (The longest my program has ever gone without
producing a game.) Finally on June 26th my program projected the Det/KC had
a probability of 91% that it would go UNDER 9 runs. The final score of the
game was 6-5 and we lost. Gary, who was a huge bettor to start with, bet
$33,000.00. This goes totally against my program. You must stay consistent
with your bet size because you never know when the losses will come. Gary
was fully aware of my philosophy, yet chose to ignore it. He also knew that
I require my clients to inform me when they are changing their bet amount so
that my records reflect the same as theirs. This is what I use to determine
my commission. When Gary told me what he had done, my response was: "You're
an Idiot." If Gary would have followed my program, instead of allowing his
gambling problem to interfere, he would have been up $19,000.00. I told him
I didn't care that he lost everything on one bet. That I still wanted my
commission on the $19,000.00 he should have been up. I sent him 4 games, we
won 3 and lost 1, and he's down $3,000.00. He's an Idiot. How can you go 3
and 1 and lose? He argued, and stated he was not going to pay me my
commission on the $19,000.00 my records indicated he should have been up. I
then stopped sending him games. About a month later I get a phone call from
Gary telling me to check my bank account. I do, and there I find a wire
transfer in the amount of $2,850.00 from Gary. I told him thank-you for
honoring your debt, but it didn't matter anymore. I was no longer
interested in having him as a client. Only a fool wouldn't have realized I
was heading for trouble with this guy. So now Gary adds the $2,850.00 he
sent me along with the $3,000.00 he lost through his own stupidity, and
claims I screwed him out of $5,850.00. My response to Gary is: "Get your
act together." This is a compulsive individual who lets his gambling
addiction stand in the way of using wise financial judgment. Not my kind of
5. There are several people, who claim in gambling forums, that my ability
to use Mathematics to project probabilities of a game winning is impossible.
None of them claim I took money from them, just that my program doesn't
work. When I contacted these individuals by E-mail and offered to send them
my games to show it does work, they declined my offer. They allege to have
extensive sports knowledge and claim sporting events are too erratic to
apply any mathematical formula. None of them seem to be very numerically
inclined or impressed with the fact that I have a Ph.D. in Physics, so I can
understand why they feel that way. They simply don't have the ability to
understand the formulas I apply. None of them appear to possess anything
higher than a High School education. Ignorance doesn't discriminate. They
continue to put their trust in their ability to "pick winners" which is why
Casinos here in Vegas make a fortune. Truth is, I wouldn't want them as
clients anyway.
I incorporated ProbabilityFactor.com in 1997 which is the first year I
started bringing clients onboard. Since then, my clientele is nearing 300.
When you consider the type of clients I attract [Gamblers], and the baggage
they bring with them, to have a dozen or so, out of nearly 300 bitch, is a
pretty good record in my opinion. I screen potential clients, looking for
those who are in it for the money, not the high of gambling. I try to avoid
heavyweight gamblers. Unfortunately, some of them do get through. In the
past 8 years I've had to let a dozen or so go. Usually the reason is their
failure to pay my commission when it's due. Everything I've stated above is
easily verifiable. I know for a fact there is nothing on the face of the
earth that will come close to making you the type of money I can. If there
was, I'd be doing it. Over the past 4 years, at $1k per bet, you would be
ahead $479,000.00. Last year alone at $1k per bet you would have netted
I have 4 simple rules that I ask of my clients:
1. Don't bet any games other than the ones my program produces. (This way I
don't have to worry about my money being there when it comes time for me to
get paid; my games win!)
2. If you increase your bet size, let me know. (I need our spreadsheets to
match, that is what I base my commission on.)
3. Try not to miss any bets. (We don't get that many, where we can afford to
miss the ones we do get.)
4. Pay my commission on time. (This is the most important rule!)
Best Wishes, Dr.Timothy Witt 702-240-7412
I'm Dr.Timothy Wittneben, most refer to me as [Dr.Witt] being my last
name is difficult to pronounce. I have a Ph.D. in Physics, with Advanced
Mathematics. Artificial Intelligence, Database Management and Statistical
Analysis being my fields of expertise.
In 1994 I left Wall Street to apply my Dynamical Systems of Artificial
Intelligence to sporting events. These are basically the same programs I
wrote and used as a Market Forecaster to project a Stock's activity. The
programs I've written filter statistical data based on Measures of Central
Tendencies and project final scores for NFL, NBA, NHL, NCAA and MLB games.
Once I determine the projected final score of a game, I then pull up in
my database all previous match-ups that fit within a standard deviation of
the following days games. Then I query that sub-population to determine
those games that have a 90% or better probability of winning [against the
pointspread]. I have amassed a phenomenal database of statistics and
results which goes back to 1941. There is no Human Element involved, no
handicapping, no opinions, it's strictly mathematics. Unfortunately my
program only produces between 4-5 games per week on average.
Over the past 5 years my programs have produced a record of 555 Wins vs.
224 Losses for a winning percentage of 71.24%. You don't need a Ph.D. in
Calculus to realize how much money you can make when you're winning 7 out of
There is no deposit required to get started with my program, and for
those skeptics I offer and opportunity to sit on the sidelines and watch,
while I show you first how successful my program is. Once you decide to get
onboard you'll open your own sportsbook account and manage your own money.
I charge a 15% commission of your net winnings only, which is payable at the
End of the Sports Season.
If you're not mathematically inclined to appreciate what I'm doing, or
you're currently betting on sports, I'm not interested in having you as a
client. My program projects approx. 4-5 games per week, and requires the
patience to wait for those games to come along with a 90% probability of
winning. We don't bet everyday, but we do go to the bank every week. I'm
in this for the money, and I seek those who are as well.
I invite you to visit my website to get a better understanding of
exactly how my Projection Algorithms determine final Scores and
Probabilities. Type in ProbabilityFactor.com in your browser to visit my
Unfortunately, through the years I've had to let several clients go for
a variety of reason. Either they failed to pay my commission on time, or
the were Compulsive Gamblers who lost my commission monies by betting on
their own games. Whether it's their attempt to blackmail me into bringing
them back onboard, their bigotry because I'm a successful Jew, or their
simple ignorance, I've come across several former clients who use the
internet to make derogatory statements about me. Considering I don't
require payment of my commission til the end of the year, how I've screwed
them is beyond me. The following addresses each of their claims.
1. Mr. Leo in Harwood Heights, Ohio: I get paid from Basketball and Hockey
by June 15th. It's all over my website; it's been that way since 1997. If
you haven't paid me for Basketball & Hockey by June 15th I cut you off,
simple as that. You get no Baseball games. By June 15th of 2003 Mr. Leo
(who started with me in Dec. 2002) had not paid me the $6,100.00 commission
I had coming, so I cut him off. In a four month period, with bets of
$1,000.00 each, I netted the man over $40,000.00. On June 24th of 2003 Mr.
Leo faxes me the bank wire receipt showing payment of my commission money.
I accepted his excuse for why he was late and immediately started sending
him games again. A week later this Bank Wire still hadn't shown up in my
account. I brought the fax that I received from him to the bank, and the
Manager does a Bank Wire Pipeline Search, only to find there is no record
anywhere of this Transfer in the system. My Bank Manager calls Mr. Leo's
Bank "The International Bank of Chicago" and speaks with "Laura" [the
Manager of Mr. Leo's branch, which is located at Harlem Ave & N.W. Highway].
My Banker is told the document is a counterfeit.
(this fraudulent document is available for viewing on my website) Mr. Leo,
[who is not responding to my E-mails or returning my calls] 5 days later
sends me a legitimate bank wire for $6,100.00 which I did receive. He then
calls me to say his bank [somehow] never processed his original bank wire.
Problem is, "Laura" who allegedly signed this document, has already told us
he's "Full of Shit." Understand, in the week after Mr. Leo faxes the
fraudulent document, we win 5 games in a row including a Parlay. This is
obviously where Mr. Leo was able to acquire the money to legitimately send
the 2nd transfer. By this time, I don't care ! Lie to me once and we're
through. I stopped sending him my games and cut Mr. Leo off permanently.
Mr. Leo calls me, and when I confront him with the truth, he tells me he
never would have sent the $6,100.00 if he knew I was going to cut him off
permanently. My response was "FUCK-YOU!" He now claims I stole his
$6,100.00 in postings on the Internet. I can't stop him from spewing this
bullshit, but what I can do is expose the document, which has his bank
account number and the phone number of his bank. If you doubt I'm telling
the truth, call his bank, request to speak with the Branch Manager "Laura"
and ask for yourself. In addition to confirming everything I've stated,
Laura will also tell you Mr. Leo deposited a fraudulent check he made up
with my Bank Account number on it for $10,000.00 in an attempt to steal
money from me.
2. Dan in Orlando, Florida: Good ole Doctor Dan, who tells me he is betting
$2,000.00 per game, has another Sportsbook account set up in his wife's name
and is moving $10,000.00 per game behind my back. Dan, who I spoke with on
a regular basis, tells me one day his total for a Baseball game is 8.5 runs.
Now I'm using the same offshore Sportsbook he's using, and when I placed my
bet, the line was 8 runs. So I call, and I'm told the line was 8 runs for
the entire day and NEVER reached 8.5 runs. This now has me thinking, where
did he come up with 8.5 runs. I go online and pull up every Sportsbook that
had the game at 8.5 runs. I then call every Sportsbook until I finally come
to "Worlds Sports Book" who tells me "We don't have an Account for Dan, but
we do have an account for his wife." The account had 5 games bet at
$10,000.00 each, with all 5 games winning. He had made $50,000.00 behind my
back in an attempt to avoid paying me my 15% commission. You couldn't
imagine how upset this made me. I then casually told him I was in the
process of switching to a new stat service that would provide me with better
sports statistics. Only problem was, they wanted to get paid for a year's
service in advance and that I needed to come up with big bucks. I asked to
him to send me $7,500.00 to help offset this huge expenditure and that I
would credit him the $7,500.00 when my commission was due. He agreed and
sent me $7,500.00 which was exactly 15% of the $50,000.00 he had made behind
my back. Two hours later when the $7,500.00 showed up in my account, I
called "Worlds Sports Book" and was connected to the Director of Operations.
I then made a three-way call to Dan and confronted him about his wife's
account with the Director of Operations listening in. When Dan denied there
was an account in his wife's name the Director of Operations spoke up. Dan
was busted. I immediately cut him off permanently and he wanted the
$7,500.00 back. It was a legitimate 15% of the $50,000.00 and I told him to
GO FUCK HIMSELF. What really hurt was that I liked the man, but business is
business. You're welcome to call the "Worlds Sports Book" to confirm. They
will tell you verbatim, exactly what I said.
3. Jonas in Australia. Jonas opened a Sportsbook account with "William
Hill" Sportsbook in England. He deposited $25,000.00 and was to start with
bets of $5,000.00 per game. I sent Jonas 5 games, of which 4 won. Only
problem, Jonas claimed he never received my E-mails for 3 of the games. All
3 of those games were winners. He claimed he made 2 bets, (1) win, (1)
loss. I can understand missing a game here and there, but 3 of your first
5? Something wasn't right. Jonas knew by opening with "William Hill" there
would be no way I would be able to confirm whether he truly did miss 3 bets
because I had no connections with anyone there. We had actually spoken
about that during his trial period, when I was sending him games to observe,
but I thought nothing of it. He sounded like a decent man. After 3 misses
in 5 games the radar went up. I then called "William Hill", claiming I was
the owner of a Sportsbook and I had heard Jonas was now using his service.
I told them Jonas had stiffed me by canceling a credit card transaction he
deposited in my Sportsbook, and that they should be aware of him. This
seemed to put their mind at ease in reference to my credibility and they
looked up his account to see how he funded it. They told me they were OK,
that he used Net Teller to fund his account and that his account was in
good-standing with a current amount $39,500.00. Here's the problem: if he
missed 3 games, and the (2) he claimed to bet resulted in (1) win and (1)
loss, he should be right where he started at $25,000.00, minus the juice
from the (1) loss. I then called Jonas to confirm that the spreadsheet I
was running on my end was indeed correct. I asked him to confirm what his
initial deposit was and to confirm what his current balance was at "William
Hill." He claimed AGAIN his initial deposit was $25,000.00 and that his
current balance was $24,500.00 ($15,000.00 less than it really was!) - I
knew he was Full of Shit. I then gave him the same story I gave Dan about
switching stat services and could he help me out to the tune of $2,200.00
which is 15% of the $14,500 he had truly made. He agreed and sent me a Bank
Wire for $2,200.00. Instead of cutting him off at that time, which I
probably should have done, I then sent him the opposite side of the next 5
games my program projected. While we were winning 4 of the next 5, he was
losing 4 of the next 5. Should I have done that ? Probably Not, but I did,
because I was pissed. You're welcome to confirm this information at William
Hill. They are a respected Sportsbook who trades on the London Exchange.
They will confirm everything I've stated.
Here's a footnote on Jonas. He now says that I watch the opening minutes of
games I send to future clients and determine who is going to win. There are
two problems to this. If I could tell you, based on the first minute of a
game what direction the game was going in, then why wouldn't I have my
clients betting on the 2nd half of the games? Think about it. every
Sportsbook in the world offers lines on both the first half and the second
half, as well as the entire game. I could simply set up my program to where
we bet on the 2nd half only. All my clients have cell phones with text
messaging and are prepared to place a bet on a minute's notice. I could
wait until halftime, deduct the first half score from the original betting
line, and we would win every game. My clients don't give a shit what we bet
on, as long as they win! In addition, I try to include in my E-mails at
least a couple of my betting tickets showing that I'm betting these games as
well. Wouldn't it be great if the Casinos here in Vegas let me bet the
games after they started? If they did, I can assure you I wouldn't be
losing 30% of my games! Good try, Jonas.
4. Gary from Vancouver. Gary works in a Casino in Vancouver. I was
skeptical about bringing him onboard to start with. Prior to getting
onboard with me he had several accounts with different offshore Sportbooks.
I verified Gary was a huge gambler and the game plan was for Gary to start
off with bets of $10,000.00 per game. Gary's first 3 games were June 15th,
16th, & 17th of 2002. We won all three games and Gary was up $30,000.00.
If you've spoken with me or visited my website you are fully aware we do not
bet everyday. That's how we make money. We wait for games that my
Algorithms project have probabilities of better than 90%. Over the next 9
days there were no games. (The longest my program has ever gone without
producing a game.) Finally on June 26th my program projected the Det/KC had
a probability of 91% that it would go UNDER 9 runs. The final score of the
game was 6-5 and we lost. Gary, who was a huge bettor to start with, bet
$33,000.00. This goes totally against my program. You must stay consistent
with your bet size because you never know when the losses will come. Gary
was fully aware of my philosophy, yet chose to ignore it. He also knew that
I require my clients to inform me when they are changing their bet amount so
that my records reflect the same as theirs. This is what I use to determine
my commission. When Gary told me what he had done, my response was: "You're
an Idiot." If Gary would have followed my program, instead of allowing his
gambling problem to interfere, he would have been up $19,000.00. I told him
I didn't care that he lost everything on one bet. That I still wanted my
commission on the $19,000.00 he should have been up. I sent him 4 games, we
won 3 and lost 1, and he's down $3,000.00. He's an Idiot. How can you go 3
and 1 and lose? He argued, and stated he was not going to pay me my
commission on the $19,000.00 my records indicated he should have been up. I
then stopped sending him games. About a month later I get a phone call from
Gary telling me to check my bank account. I do, and there I find a wire
transfer in the amount of $2,850.00 from Gary. I told him thank-you for
honoring your debt, but it didn't matter anymore. I was no longer
interested in having him as a client. Only a fool wouldn't have realized I
was heading for trouble with this guy. So now Gary adds the $2,850.00 he
sent me along with the $3,000.00 he lost through his own stupidity, and
claims I screwed him out of $5,850.00. My response to Gary is: "Get your
act together." This is a compulsive individual who lets his gambling
addiction stand in the way of using wise financial judgment. Not my kind of
5. There are several people, who claim in gambling forums, that my ability
to use Mathematics to project probabilities of a game winning is impossible.
None of them claim I took money from them, just that my program doesn't
work. When I contacted these individuals by E-mail and offered to send them
my games to show it does work, they declined my offer. They allege to have
extensive sports knowledge and claim sporting events are too erratic to
apply any mathematical formula. None of them seem to be very numerically
inclined or impressed with the fact that I have a Ph.D. in Physics, so I can
understand why they feel that way. They simply don't have the ability to
understand the formulas I apply. None of them appear to possess anything
higher than a High School education. Ignorance doesn't discriminate. They
continue to put their trust in their ability to "pick winners" which is why
Casinos here in Vegas make a fortune. Truth is, I wouldn't want them as
clients anyway.
I incorporated ProbabilityFactor.com in 1997 which is the first year I
started bringing clients onboard. Since then, my clientele is nearing 300.
When you consider the type of clients I attract [Gamblers], and the baggage
they bring with them, to have a dozen or so, out of nearly 300 bitch, is a
pretty good record in my opinion. I screen potential clients, looking for
those who are in it for the money, not the high of gambling. I try to avoid
heavyweight gamblers. Unfortunately, some of them do get through. In the
past 8 years I've had to let a dozen or so go. Usually the reason is their
failure to pay my commission when it's due. Everything I've stated above is
easily verifiable. I know for a fact there is nothing on the face of the
earth that will come close to making you the type of money I can. If there
was, I'd be doing it. Over the past 4 years, at $1k per bet, you would be
ahead $479,000.00. Last year alone at $1k per bet you would have netted
I have 4 simple rules that I ask of my clients:
1. Don't bet any games other than the ones my program produces. (This way I
don't have to worry about my money being there when it comes time for me to
get paid; my games win!)
2. If you increase your bet size, let me know. (I need our spreadsheets to
match, that is what I base my commission on.)
3. Try not to miss any bets. (We don't get that many, where we can afford to
miss the ones we do get.)
4. Pay my commission on time. (This is the most important rule!)
Best Wishes, Dr.Timothy Witt 702-240-7412