Elizabeth Paige Laurie
2019-03-19 15:46:26 UTC
Liberal Democrats, too lazy and stupid to compete
scholastically. This is the result of the present day inferior
California school system, once the envy of the entire free
world, after 40 years of Democrat control and parasitic
socialist union infestation.
TAGS: Cheat Lie Bribe Obama Ignorant Liberal Dumb Crime College
High School Sports USC Coach ACT Democrat LA Times, Washington
Post, NY Times Elite Hollywood TV Media Twitter youTube Scumbags
Kiss Your Job Goodbye
A financial fraudster desperate for leniency from the feds
tipped off investigators to the massive college-ad missions
bribery scandal, then wore a wire to help bring down the cheats,
a report said Thursday.
With his back to the wall in an alleged pump-and-dump scheme,
Los Angeles financier Morrie Tobin offered up a tip that would
turn into the biggest college-admissions fraud the feds have
ever prosecuted, according to The Wall Street Journal.
In a bid for mercy, the Yale grad told investigators that
Rudolph Rudy Meredith, the head womens soccer coach at the
Ivy League school, solicited $450,000 from him in exchange
for recommending Tobins daughter for admission as an athletic
recruit, a source told the Journal.
Tobin agreed to wear a wire during a meeting in a Boston hotel
room with Meredith who then also began cooperating.
That, in turn, led the feds to admitted mastermind William
Rick Singer, a California college-prep expert who raked in
more than $25?million from wealthy parents to get their
underqualified kids into top schools, including Yale, Wake
Forest, Georgetown and Stanford.
Through a 10-month investigation dubbed Operation Varsity Blues,
investigators learned the scam dated as far back as 2011 and
involved dozens of allegedly crooked ACT and SAT proctors,
college athletic coaches and parents.
Fuller House actress Lori Loughlin, her fashion-designer
husband, Mossimo Giannulli, and former Desperate Housewives
star Felicity Huffman were among the indicted.
Tobin, who was not charged in Operation Varsity Blues, is
awaiting sentencing after taking a plea deal in the financial-
fraud case, according to the Journal. An FBI spokeswoman from
the Boston field office said the overall securities-fraud
investigation is still ongoing.
Singer for years ran Edge College & Career Network of Newport
Beach, Calif. The feds say he secretly had his well-heeled
clients funnel money into a sham charity so he could pay off his
cohorts to weasel their kids into school.
One parent, a Silicon Valley investor, said Singer proposed
using a side door to get his teen into USC under the guise of
being a football player but the proposal left the dad feeling
dirty, he told Axios.
[Singer] kept pushing it, but I finally just said to give some
other child the opportunity, said the parent, who hasnt been
approached by law enforcement.
USC said it would conduct a case-by-case review for any current
students and graduates who may be connected to the alleged
Liberal Democrats, too lazy and stupid to compete
scholastically. This is the result of the present day inferior
California school system, once the envy of the entire free
world, after 40 years of Democrat control and parasitic
socialist union infestation.
TAGS: Cheat Lie Bribe Obama Ignorant Liberal Dumb Crime College
High School Sports USC Coach ACT Democrat LA Times, Washington
Post, NY Times Elite Hollywood TV Media Twitter youTube Scumbags
Kiss Your Job Goodbye
A financial fraudster desperate for leniency from the feds
tipped off investigators to the massive college-ad missions
bribery scandal, then wore a wire to help bring down the cheats,
a report said Thursday.
With his back to the wall in an alleged pump-and-dump scheme,
Los Angeles financier Morrie Tobin offered up a tip that would
turn into the biggest college-admissions fraud the feds have
ever prosecuted, according to The Wall Street Journal.
In a bid for mercy, the Yale grad told investigators that
Rudolph Rudy Meredith, the head womens soccer coach at the
Ivy League school, solicited $450,000 from him in exchange
for recommending Tobins daughter for admission as an athletic
recruit, a source told the Journal.
Tobin agreed to wear a wire during a meeting in a Boston hotel
room with Meredith who then also began cooperating.
That, in turn, led the feds to admitted mastermind William
Rick Singer, a California college-prep expert who raked in
more than $25?million from wealthy parents to get their
underqualified kids into top schools, including Yale, Wake
Forest, Georgetown and Stanford.
Through a 10-month investigation dubbed Operation Varsity Blues,
investigators learned the scam dated as far back as 2011 and
involved dozens of allegedly crooked ACT and SAT proctors,
college athletic coaches and parents.
Fuller House actress Lori Loughlin, her fashion-designer
husband, Mossimo Giannulli, and former Desperate Housewives
star Felicity Huffman were among the indicted.
Tobin, who was not charged in Operation Varsity Blues, is
awaiting sentencing after taking a plea deal in the financial-
fraud case, according to the Journal. An FBI spokeswoman from
the Boston field office said the overall securities-fraud
investigation is still ongoing.
Singer for years ran Edge College & Career Network of Newport
Beach, Calif. The feds say he secretly had his well-heeled
clients funnel money into a sham charity so he could pay off his
cohorts to weasel their kids into school.
One parent, a Silicon Valley investor, said Singer proposed
using a side door to get his teen into USC under the guise of
being a football player but the proposal left the dad feeling
dirty, he told Axios.
[Singer] kept pushing it, but I finally just said to give some
other child the opportunity, said the parent, who hasnt been
approached by law enforcement.
USC said it would conduct a case-by-case review for any current
students and graduates who may be connected to the alleged