2004-04-08 01:29:26 UTC
Let me get this straight- you want to translate books from English to
different languanges and post them in the net for all to see for free.
If I were an author in the US and have written a textbook in English,
I would want to get paid or to give you permission to do what you are
trying to do. We have copywriting laws in the US and I wonder how are
you dealing with it.
You want to form a non-profit corp. and you need help. Hmm...
something is amiss here- nobody starts a business- for-profit and
non-profit to waste time and energy. How do you intend to stay in
business? If everything is free- the service and labor to get there-
how is this business going to make it- as a for profit or as a
non-profit? And what is in it for you?
different languanges and post them in the net for all to see for free.
If I were an author in the US and have written a textbook in English,
I would want to get paid or to give you permission to do what you are
trying to do. We have copywriting laws in the US and I wonder how are
you dealing with it.
You want to form a non-profit corp. and you need help. Hmm...
something is amiss here- nobody starts a business- for-profit and
non-profit to waste time and energy. How do you intend to stay in
business? If everything is free- the service and labor to get there-
how is this business going to make it- as a for profit or as a
non-profit? And what is in it for you?
More about the project
1.Find two other board members
2.File as a non-profit organization
3.Setup a website
4.Seek funding / Start writing
- Make up-to-date textbooks available via the web in both HTML and PDF formats
- Make them free for most proposes
- Translate these works to many different languages
1.Find two other board members
2.File as a non-profit organization
3.Setup a website
4.Seek funding / Start writing
- Make up-to-date textbooks available via the web in both HTML and PDF formats
- Make them free for most proposes
- Translate these works to many different languages
I am starting a non-profit company that will write and freely
distribute academic material free over the net and sell published
works at cost of publishing (i.e. write textbooks that are affordable
and accessible). I need two more people who are willing to help me
oversee the company. I also will need writers, proof readers,
technical reviewers, fund raisers, etc... Yes, I realize that this is
a very fuzzy description as there are still a lot of details to work
If you are interested in helping me with any of this please email me
Brian Lain
distribute academic material free over the net and sell published
works at cost of publishing (i.e. write textbooks that are affordable
and accessible). I need two more people who are willing to help me
oversee the company. I also will need writers, proof readers,
technical reviewers, fund raisers, etc... Yes, I realize that this is
a very fuzzy description as there are still a lot of details to work
If you are interested in helping me with any of this please email me
Brian Lain